I’ve been so overwhelmed and blessed by the responses that I have received from the public following the video post of Cooper’s first trout caught on a dry fly! Instagram has provided me the platform to share my stories and life experiences as a black man, husband, father, and angler. To have a positive impact on people from around the world is truly priceless.

Zach writes:

“So I saw the video of your son catching that brown on a dry fly on whichever account it was on first. I had to throw you a follow after seeing the pure excitement on his face in the clip. Now that I’ve been following you for a bit, I’ve just gotta say keep doing what you’re doing. You always seem to bring a positive outlook to the table, the world needs more people like you. Tight Lines!”

Jake writes:

“Mr. Simmons,

Thank you for accepting my request to follow you!

The video of the little guy snagging the trout on a dry fly is what caught my attention. Fly Lords posted it on their page and I hoped that you might have more videos like that.

What a powerful video! Seeing young kids get excited about fishing and get excited about the outdoors gives me hope for the future. They are going to be the ones conserving our wild places and our fisheries soon.

That video gave me chills! So much excitement and joy from you two!

Do you mind if I share it on my personal page?

Cheers to the future! Tight lines! Jake”

Ryan writes:

“Hi Sir, I saw your video of your son’s first dry fly on the Fly Lords account and I just wanted to say how awesome I thought it was. It brought back very treasured memories of fishing with my dad growing up and I’m just happy you are helping keep the cycle going and introducing another addicted angler to the scene”

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